What should a guitar player consider when shopping for custom guitar straps? I am a casual guitar player; it was something I did not think about much. But, once I began guitar lessons again my playing time increased greatly. I begin to feel my arm ache and even my shoulder began getting tired the more time I played guitar. I decided to try out my original guitar strap and play standing up. It did not make much difference and I considered stopping practice time. Then I did some reading online and made the decision to purchase a few custom guitar straps. Wow, what a difference. Luckily, locating good straps is pretty easy. There are many resources and stores that sell great straps. So, what is the ideal guitar strap for you? The short answer is it depends on you. Custom guitar straps are offered with lining pads and of course standard unlined styles. There are also multiple options from leather to vinyl guitar straps.
Discussing with other guitar players is a good idea too. Many seem to prefer leather options. Leather straps can be purchased in multiple colors with the most common probably being black, brown, and burgundy. Some guitar players need additional support and allot of the leather guitar straps include plush pads or linings to give you more comfort.
A quality strap can adjust to a players length wishes. When searching for custom guitar straps, the most common range is from 35 to 52 inches. The majority of players will be fit fine using a strap in one of these lengths. Width is another choice you will need to make too. I enjoy a strap that is wider as it is more comfortable on my shoulder. Other guitar pickers desire skinnier straps because they are lighter and not as distracting.
One more choice to think about are double strap options. In other words, the strap uses two arm pieces as opposed to a single one therefore reducing shoulder strain. I do not own one of these straps but I would not be against using one during increased playing periods.
Strap Design
The strap look is what most players consider at first. A unique strap enables you to flaunt your style and you can convey your personal style. Besides that the obvious choices of colors and construction, you can locate custom guitar straps created by artists or even fellow players. Some music retailers or online stores will create unique guitar straps for you and you can show your band name, initials, or anything you want.
No matter which strap you decide on do your homework first. Ascetics and color are nice but remember to buy a strap that fits your needs. A good fit and comfortable feeling are highly important when picking custom guitar straps as they help eliminate injury and decrease the likelihood of you getting tired too quickly while playing.
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